Mirpur Hospital

Ready to start your journey of Parenthood?

First and only Full Service and non-profit fertility hospital in Pakistan. Where everyone is treated with dignity and quality. We have the best qualified physicians and staff. Our modern equipment and technology yields best results. Unlike other centers of the country, money is not our first priority. Our main focus is a positive pregnancy test.. !!

About MCI Hospital

MCI is the inaugural and solitary fertility hospital in Pakistan that operates as a comprehensive service provider and a non-profit organization. Our utmost priority is to treat everyone with respect and offer top-notch quality care. With a team of highly qualified physicians and dedicated staff, we ensure the best possible outcomes using state-of-the-art equipment and advanced technology. Unlike other medical centers in the country, our primary focus lies in achieving a positive pregnancy test rather than monetary gains.

Moreover, MCI hospital allocates its entire income towards supporting various projects aimed at serving the community:

  • We have initiated a Food Project to assist the underprivileged population.
  • We also operate a Senior Care Home to cater to the needs of elderly individuals.
  • Our hospital conducts Free Eye Operations to provide essential eye care services.
  • Additionally, we have established a Water Filtration Plant to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water.

Services at MCI Hospital


Mother and Child International hospital is the first hospital in the country that provides very economical IVF. We charge only 80,000 for complete IVF (excluding medicines around 55,000). This cost is a fraction of a cost charged at other hospitals in our country.
Patients from USA UK Europe and Hong Kong Pay £ 800 for complete IVF-ICSI that includes medicines


We offer IUI treatment for couples whose fallopian tubes are patent, and husband has good sperm count. This is a less invasive and cheaper alternative to IVF. At MCI hospital, we charge from zero to 7000 rupees for IUI treatment according to the affording capacity of the family.

Our Fertility Analysis

We adopt a collaborative approach to analysis. Our medical and scientific team consists of individuals who bring diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise. When you have a consultation with our specialist, you benefit from the collective knowledge and skills they possess.


In a conventional IVF procedure, a woman’s egg is combined with a man’s sperm in a controlled environment in the embryology lab in hopes that they meet and fertilize.

Embryo Freezing

Sperm freezing is an effective way for men to protect and preserve their fertility. It is most useful when the male partner is receiving medical treatment which could damage the sperm quality. At MCI hospital, we offer sperm and embryo freezing at mominal charges.

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